Hi there!
Unfortunately the spreadsheet I was using with the model was on a USB thumb I lost and a Seagate backup drive that failed, but I still had the data sheet so I punched in the coefficients and found…
1960: 87% Russell, 10% Cousy, 2% Ramsey
1962: 98% Russell, 2% Baylor, 0% Cousy
1963: 66% Russell, 33% Sam Jones, 0% Baylor
1965: 98% Russell, 1% Sam Jones, 1% K.C. Jones
1966: 97% Russell, 2% Sam Jones, 0% Baylor
The % numbers are very slightly different from what I posted which is to be expected since I only posted my coefficients to three decimal places, but outside of 1965 it’s not enough for the #2 player to change, and even then it could just as easily have worked in Sam’s favor as K.C.’s.